Tuesday, 4 April 2017

March 2017 Round Up and Video

March 2017 Round Up and Video.

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Another month over, another month nearer retirement, or 210 shifts as of today. Not that I’m counting. It’s been a canny March, looks even better on the video, the sky wasn’t blue all month but it did stay fairly warm and the trails dried up nicely, muddy patches here and there but nothing to hold up athletes like us. I managed to grind out 325 miles in the month but that included a couple of road rides and a long cross bike ride where I rode across Percy Cross Rigg and Newton Moor on what must have been the busiest saturday of the year. A few rays of sunshine and the place is mobbed. Where are they all when it’s blowing a hoolie or sleeting merrily? Wandering about shopping malls like zombies or cabbaged out in front of the TV, or worse, riding turbo trainers in their garages?

There’s an old saying which goes something along the lines of “if you’re not falling off, you’re not trying hard enough.” I must have been trying extra hard because I managed two proper tumbles over the bars in addition to the numerous unplanned dismounts which make up a normal day’s riding. Scratched and bruised but ultimately satisfied with the month’s adventures.

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