The Cafe Racers

Some Terra Trailblazers inexplicably found they had a preference to take their cycling on the less rugged side, hence the bastard offspring of the Terra Trailblazers was spawned - the Cafe Racers. Ruled with a rod of celery by Chairman Whelan; training, Lycra, anorexia and spindly road bikes are all indulged. Occasionally they even go as far as to actually ride the bikes although for proportionally less time than they spend reading cycling magazines, scouring internet cycle retailers and drinking coffee while discussing cycling. Perfect weather, smooth roads and an artisan coffee shop are priorities for the Cafe Racers, given fulfillment of this trio, bikes may be retrieved from sheds and garages and the Chairman will plan a route, taking in as many hills from the Simon Warren books as is humanly possible. The route will be published online and discussed at length before members gradually decide they have other commitments on that particular day or they are worried about their wheels. The final frontier of cycling has yet to be crossed by the Cafe Racers, no member has admitted to depilation of the legs (or any other parts) but no doubt it will happen when someone convinces them of the aerodynamic advantage or to make them more attractive to the opposite sex (or same sex, funny people road cyclists).

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